Friday 29 May 2015

Born of The Veil by Cheryllynn Dyess (Release Day Blitz)

Born of The Veil
Paranormal / Romance / Fantasy
Ebook: $0.99
Softcover: $10
Release Date: May 29, 2015

The dead are all around us. 
Tara can see them, hear them, and help them. All her life she has battled with this gift...curse. 
Only her mother and best friend know the truth. Then she meets a stranger in a historic graveyard and he changes her life in ways she never could have imagined. 
Tara was born already a member of a secret society known as The Veil. They are immortal and their mission is to help everyone they can. She is shown how to handle her gifts and discovers even more on her journey. 
With the gift of immortality, Tara still battles one curse that has been there her entire life. Demons! Demons have tried to attack her as long as she can remember. 
Can she learn to use her gifts? 
Can she trust those around her? 
Can she conquer her nightmares? 
Can she finally be free? 


Can you hear the whispers? Don't try to look, you won't see them. No one ever does.  They started when I was seven, I think. What you ask? The voices. The spirits. The dead. I can hear them all the time. Some days they are louder than others. Many nights I have to scream at them to shut up just so I can rest. A true test of sanity.
It started the day I saw my first one, I was standing on my porch looking out over at the field across the road. I do not know the day of the week or even the season. I just remember I saw him standing there. Tall, with dark hair slicked back, wearing jeans and a long sleeved button down shirt with his dark colored dog sitting next to him. Thinking back now, I would say the dog would have to have been a Doberman. He was across the street. Then, in a blink of an eye, he was at the side of the street. With each second he managed to get closer but he never moved and never took a step. He never spoke, just stared. He made me feel safe and secure. That is odd in itself wouldn't you say, as most would be frightened.
Inside I hear my mother yelling again. She does that most of the time. I turn to go inside. As I went to close the old wooden framed screen door on our very run down house. I look back and my visitor is gone. The road is empty just as the field and my yard is. I was so young, can you imagine? My mother’s moods were sporadic back then from joyous to right down surging with anger. He did not save me from that and yet he made me feel safe.
One day, after school, my mom sat on the porch with me in the very spot I stood when I saw him. She smoked a cigarette taking long drawls and exhaling slowly. She looked out over the field into nothing and never at me.  I waited for the cue as to which mood she was in today. I wondered if she ever saw him too. Speaking without warning she says, "Do you know why you are special Tara?" I looked at my mom curious and shook my head no. "You were born with a thick membrane over your eyes.” She stops talking to take a drag of her cigarette. “That membrane gave you something others won’t have. You have a gift. You can see and hear things others can't." She looked over at me and smiled, "but no one can know, they won't understand. Do what you can for them okay?" I nod yes. I am confused. I was ten. Today, I now know what that means.
My gift is talking with the spirits who have not crossed over. Yup that is me. The crazy girl who talks to the dead. There is more to my gift although I did not know many of them for years. Do you know me? You have me in class, work next to me every day or see me in stores. Oh, I'm sure you do but you will never realize it. I kept my secret safe. Only two people know, my mother and a friend. I had to tell someone or go insane with my secrets. Growing up talking to the dead, or just listening to them, could drive most sane people mad and yet I do this all the time. Many times you will find me with loud music playing or with ear buds in. It's drowns them out, the voices that is.
Over the first twenty years I found that talking to the spirits isn’t the only gift I have. I have premonitions, can see auras, and sense the good and bad in people. I can also see spirit walkers, the living that walk amongst the dead. As I grew older, I learned so much more about myself and this world, things you would never believe. My problem with this all is that I try to ignore it. This is my story…

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Author Bio:

Cheryllynn's vivid imagination comes through in all she does in life. Her writing started in junior high and although she never truly shared her work until recently she kept them hidden away in an old tattered orange folder. Original works she wrote from 1984 still holding ink on the pages are now being shared. Science Fiction and Fantasy are her favorite genres with mystery and thrillers in close running.

Born in Northwest Florida and raised in Southeast Georgia she gained a love for nature and the outdoors. After almost twenty years in the health care industry and obtaining her Bachelors of Science in Healthcare Administration/Healthcare Information Systems she has returned to her love of writing. Currently living in Central Texas with two of her four children, she has begun a new chapter in life that has opened her heart and soul to many great adventures. Her dreams are to one day return to her native homes and settle in for life with her kids and all her family and to continue writing. 

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